Enea Abbud

Face Painting
performance art, 2021-23


Face Painting documents a series of time spent between mother and daughter in moments of play, make believe, and escape.

It all started as a simple dress-up game, but later evolved into artistic expression when Abbud’s daughter asked if she could try something different, but on her face.

Abbud’s willingness became a new outlet of creativity for the two, as she became her daughter’s living canvas, bringing to mind other sacrificial performance pieces such as, The Artist is Present by Marina Abramovic. Of course, in Face Painting, we see the most pure outcome of free will, likely because Abbud is being seen through the eyes of a child, whose lines between make-believe and reality blur into abstract shapes and paint— “to her, irregular shapes and colors are what can make someone beautiful.”

For Abbud, the magic happened in the stillness, allowing her daughter to transport her while sitting very still. 

“Motherhood has been such an evolution. I’m only 7 years into it, but it feels like my entire life has been a part of it. When I allow myself to get lost with my daughter in her imagination, I feel like I connect into my inner child. She always finds a way of taking me back to the magical ways of being a kid and I treasure those moments.” —E.A.


Enea Abbud is from Mexico City, grew up in El Paso, traveled the world and has finally settled in Wimberley, Texas with her husband and daughter. Life has given her an abundance of resources from which to generate art and she has the most fun exploring artistic expression with her daughter, Saylor.