Arantza González Gómez
Puerto Rican
Encaje is a modern antique that holds no physical objects, but rather the artist’s desire to preserve a connection to her lineage: a safe space.
Crafted with love, Gonzáles created this box using a piece of lace that her mother had tucked away for safekeeping.
“La pieza ahora es de mami y la tiene en un curio con cosas antiguas y de valor emocional para ella.” —A.G.G.
Within this box resides not only delicate and beautiful strands of lace, but also memories of her abuela's charming home decor. To imprint the lace's pattern onto the clay, Gonzáles pressed it with a roller, infusing the piece with a sense of nostalgia and memories from home. This piece, while a gift to her mother, brings Gonzáles to her comfort zone, to her roots.