Amanda Lynn Gutierrez
Mexican American

Bloody Mary
illustration, 2018


Bloody Mary is a compilation of aesthetics that ends up creating its own: a visual representation of the artist’s influences and interests.

Guiterrez has always loved religious imagery despite not practicing currently, a sentiment many former Catholics relate to. As a default religion for the majority of Latinos, church was more than just the place to go on Sunday’s. The Hispanic experience with Catholicism is one that has bled into multiple aspects of culture and tradition, making it inescapable for some, but a great source of artistic inspiration and commentary for those who choose to embrace it. For Guiterrez, paying reverence to the “beautiful but dark” iconography of the church while infusing modernity, transforms these religious figures into relatable icons.

“I love all things odd and I don’t like to pigeonhole myself into one ‘aesthetic’. I love spooky things, but I also love bright colors and girly imagery. I feel like this piece really encapsulates those ideas.” —A.G.


 Amanda Guiterrez currently lives in Zapata, Texas, where she was born and raised. When she is not doodling on her iPad, she is a hairstylist with a dream to one day open her own salon where she can help other cosmetologists and creatives find a space to work in. 
She has always loved drawing from a young age and finds inspiration in everything—including movies, fashion, and books.